Five things that work for you at all times!
‘I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious’ – Einstein Trust the greatest physicist of all times – Albert Einstein. Whatever you intend to do, at once, you tend to do. For you students, curiosity is like the 3 rd eye and 6 th sense. Look at those masterly works of art, literature, science, and fiction: they did not happen all too suddenly or just in one go. Work works only when you ‘work’ for it in a space of curiosity, consistency, and at times ‘ruthlessness’. If you want to be ‘there‘, at the end you must make it, may what come! Edison kept working for that candescent bulb 9996 times! When a few people tried to chide him about his ‘success’, Edison only smiled and then added, ‘I have not failed. I have succeeded in finding out how the bulb cannot be invented these many ways! That is the spirit of an inventor, scientist, writer, or anybody for that matter. As students of engineering , your mission is never complete on any given day or place....